Rutledge Borough Work Session, March 28, 2011

Gregory C. Lebold, Council President, opened the scheduled Work Session Meeting at 8:12 PM, in the Council Meeting Room, 212 Unity Terrace, Rutledge, PA.
The following Council Members answered roll call: Gregory C. Lebold, Diane McGaughey, Tom Kopp, Jack Borsch, Kurt Morrison, Brian Costello and David Waltz
Also present: G. Guy Smith, Esq.

Discussed the death of Mayor C. Scott Shields. Council President Greg Lebold thanked Council for attending the memorial service for Mayor Shields.

Solicitor Smith stated that Council has 30 days from the Mayor’s death to appoint a new Mayor. Greg Lebold stated that he would like to become Mayor. Mr. Lebold will submit his resignation at the April 4, 2011 Council Meeting. The Council Vice President, Diane McGaughey, would become president pro tem at that time. Council would have to vote for a Council President. If Diane McGaughey is elected Council President, she would have to give up the position of Chair of the Finance Committee. Ms. McGaughey stated that she would like to be considered for the position of Council President.
There will be an opening for a Council Member. Resumes will be accepted by Council.
Solicitor Smith will prepare a resolution and contact a judge to swear in the new Mayor. New Committee Members will have to be appointed.

Diane McGaughey reported that Scott Shields’ viewing will be on Thursday night, 3/31 and Friday 4/1 morning at Minshall-Shropshire Funeral Home in Media. The 4th of July Committee will have a luncheon at the Rutledge Community Center. More details to follow.

Jack Borsch stated that the sewer televising/flushing will begin on April 11, 2011.
Mr. Borsch got a price to remove the tree and shrubs in front of the Community Center- $400.00 from Jansen Landscaping. He also spoke to someone at the Home show, who will remove the tree for free. MOTION by Jack Borsch, Second by Kurt Morrison, to have the tree and shrubs removed from the front of the Community Center, by Jansen Landscaping, at a cost of $400.00, if Mr. Borsch cannot get the tree removed at no cost. MOTION approved with a majority vote. (D. Waltz abstained).
Ms. McGaughey stated that a replacement tree must be planted on the other side of the Community Center and re-dedicated.

Mr. Borsch reported that the manhole cover in back of 120 President Ave. was not able to be removed. Mr. Borsch will contact Catania Engineering to try to remove the lid. It might need new casting and bricks.

Mr. Borsch distributed a flow chart that shows Rutledge’s metered flow. It is extremely high.

The Tree Tenders training will begin on Wed., April 6, 6-9 PM, at Rutledge Community Center and continue for 2 more consecutive Wed. nights.

Mr. Borsch asked Harry Mirra to check 218 President Ave. for 3 apartments rather than the 2 that are reported.

Tom Kopp reported that he inspected 208 Linden Ave., and will have a report for the April Council Meeting. Mr. Kopp sent a certified letter to the group home at 1 E. Sylvan Ave. for 3 nuisance fire calls- the fine is $100.00.

Kurt Morrison reported that he met with a contractor and Ken Dawes of PECO Energy regarding electricity at the Triangle Park. Mr. Dawes stated that PECO will waive the $800 hook-up fee. Mr. Morrison will get an estimate from more electricians.

David Waltz reported that PECO is trimming trees in the Borough and leaving a mess. He told the Secretary to contact PECO to clean up. Ridley Twp. has replaced the stop sign at Linden Ave. and Melrose Terr., and will maintain it.

Brian Costello reported that he met with the Zoning Hearing Board to discuss the revision of ordinances. They are committed to giving input to Council regarding outdated ordinances.

Diane McGaughey stated that she purchased new flags for the Community Center and Triangle Park.
Ms. McGaughey stated that tonight’s memorial service for Scott Shield went well, and the 4th of July Committee did a great job.

Stephanie Miller, Delaware county Juvenile Court, is looking for community service jobs for youths.

Reviewed the agreement and resolution with Morton Borough agreeing to split the Morton-Rutledge Fire Co. Workers’ Comp insurance 25% Rutledge, 75% Morton.

Solicitor Smith stated that he is working with Tom Killion on revising the Prevailing Wage Act legislation.

The Delaware County Association of Boroughs will meet in Rutledge Tuesday, 03/29/11.

Discussed piggybacking with Ridley Twp. for 2011 road repairs.

Discussed County Aid for Road Repairs- 2011 allocation of $1,485.00.

Since there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:33 PM.

Submitted by: Gennifer Guiliano



