November 4, 2024
7:30 PM Council Meeting
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call Jody Roberts, Sue Hunt, Heidi Sentivan, Ken Torres-Zickler, Andrea Juarez, Sean Sheehan, Vaughn Johnson, Mayor Gamal Sherif, Solicitor Carl Ewald, Borough Secretary Janet Diiorio.
Approval of Agenda
Action: Approve Agenda
Andrea Motion, Ken Second. All in Favor.
Public Comment:
- Representative of JP Mascaro shares interest and commitment.
Tax Collector’s Report:
- Review of tax collection report.
Mayor’s Report:
- Budget request: community canopy (~$150) – for borough events sponsored by elected reps or borough staff; requests to be made/scheduled through building/property request form
- Return on investment (Mayor Sherif):
- Several opportunities/suggestions for incentives to improve Rutledge with lower investment for great return. Recommendations to have Planning Commission and correct Rutledge Borough Committees review these suggestions to see if this fit into our LCAP and Comprehensive Plan.
- Thinking about the LCAP, what small things would move people to more sustainable choices?
- Several opportunities/suggestions for incentives to improve Rutledge with lower investment for great return. Recommendations to have Planning Commission and correct Rutledge Borough Committees review these suggestions to see if this fit into our LCAP and Comprehensive Plan.
Approval of Minutes:
Action: Approve of 10/21/2024 Meeting Minutes
Heidi Motion, Sean Second. All in favor.
- Recap of Pumpkin Grow and Glow: Beautiful weather, 6 winners. Potentially to combine Happy Hour and Grow n Glow in 2025.
- Recap of Halloween: Great success, used half the candy but used all the bubbles and play doh.
- Tree Lighting 12/2: Planning will be during next Activities Meeting will be Nov 19th, Tuesday.
- Luminaries: Anyone interested in folding bags may get some during election day! Also accepting single use plastic bags for creating luminary packages throughout the day.
- Donations still be accepted!
- Request: Provide additional detail on how to give donation
- A:(Can be provided to Borough office in person or through the mail slot, by cash or check.)
- Request: Provide additional detail on how to give donation
Parks & Property:
- Update on Phase 3 Gather Space Bid
- Loose tables and chairs need to be removed from the scope per DCNR.
- New drawings have been shared with DCNR, awaiting final approval prior to Bid.
- Still aiming to award the bid in December.
- The Borough was awarded a DCED Local Shares Grant for the Gather Space at Triangle Park for $300,000.
- Requested $600,000. Scope to include the shade structure and additional amenities that were not included in the current project.
Personnel: none
Public Safety: none
Sewer: none
Streets: none
- Outcomes of Building Committee Community Engagement Session
- Five residents attended, several high-level vignettes reviewed (as business of the borough, community programming, events just for Rutledge, a place for your next gathering, and as a resiliency center). Feedback was very positive and energized—many fresh ideas put forward as to potential partnerships and how to frame the changes. Attendees were interested in devoting time to all of the use-cases.
- Revisions to the 2024 International Property Maintenance Code
- Rather than creating an Appeals board, Rutledge well defer to Planning Commission
- Additional details added for pool drainage, additional inspections regarding fire safety, sale, and commercial space.
- At recommendation, Appendix B will be returned with language to name Planning Commission to serve as Board of Appeal and correct number of members.
- Vote to Advertise Ordinance Adopting the 2024 International Property Maintenance Code with Amendments
- Sean Motion, Heidi second. All in favor.
Communications: none
Action: Approve Bills and Distributions for 10/18/2024-11/2/2024
Heidi motion, Sean second. All in Favor.
Discussion: 2025 Detailed Budget Discussion
- Reviewed dates for budget advertisement and vote (planned for December 3rd).
- Finance Meeting to discuss the 2025 budget is November 12th at 7PM in Borough Office. This meeting is open to the public.
Discussion: Status Update on Clerical Work for Recodification Project: Temp workers have worked through the physical copies and now working through digital copies. Anticipated to complete by Thanksgiving.
Trash & Recycling:
- Recap of Yard Waste 11/1: Reminder to not use plastic bags. Plastic bags jam machines.
- Traveling Glass Bin: Currently still searching for suitable location for housing the glass bin. Swarthmore considering discussion with the school district. Suggestion is to also reach out to Nether Providence.
- Discuss and or vote on RFP for Recycling Processing
- We have decided not to select a recycling processing at this time. This will be voted on at the next meeting.
- Discuss and or vote on RFP for Trash, Recycling, and Yard Waste Collection
- Based on discussions with Solicitor, Engineer, Finance committee, etc. The Sanitation Committee proposes we award the contract to SEM Waste.
- Motion Sue, Andrea second. All in favor.
Borough Commissions:
- Shade Tree: none
- Planning Commission:
- Discussion: Reminder about work session discussion about the Action Matrix for Comp Plan and LCAP
Public Comment:
- JP Mascaro thanks us for consideration and wishes us well.
Old Business/New Business:
- Polls open tomorrow, 11/5, from 7AM-8PM.
- No wearing of campaign attire within the voting room.
- Borough Office Closed.
- Heidi motion to adjourn 8:54pm. Sue second.